The NICU can be a very isolating and lonely place. I am not saying you are really ever alone in the NICU. How could you be with all the nurses, doctors, specialists, social …
Welcome to Prematurity Awareness Month... and my book publication month. In honor of these two big events, I have committed myself to writing a new post a week. So, you are going to be …
A recent study by the American Academy of Pediatrics has shown the positive benefits of singing to your preemie. Thank god! At least now I can stop apologizing in my head for subjecting my …
Wow. I am still in shock that we are home. After 95 days of the NICU routine, this abrupt change just feels so... abrupt! I am not complaining... trust me. I am just adjusting. …
Free at last. Free at last. Thank the entire Alta Bates NICU team... we are free at last!! I will write more tomorrow about the experience tomorrow. For now, I need to sleep! Here …
Ok- so I may be jinxing it... but... this should be Sam's last night in Alta Bates hospital. I am a shocked that we are finally here. All the things we were going to …
The fear is starting to seep in. What happens if Sam has a Brady or desat at home and we don't have a monitor on him to tell us. I will place money that …
The countdown is in full swing! Sam is set to go home in 4 days unless he has a brady. So far... so good. Every single test Sam needs to pass before he can …
Sorry for the lack of a post yesterday. Between Irene vomiting and me feeling like crap, I was just not in any shape to write. Plus, for the first time since Sam was born …
For the first time since October I didn't get to see Sam today. Aside from Irene still being really sick, I am now sick and not welcome in the NICU. That means Sam spent …
What a day. Hell. What a weekend. We had ourselves a challenging one. Sam, for the most part, was a rock star. Irene, on the other hand, was one sick little girl. Peter and …
Sam continues to shine as we work our way to freedom. I am very hopeful we will be sent home by the end of this week, but there are no guarantees. First, nobody has …
Sam is on a roll. Aside from the good report from the eye doctor yesterday, here are a few of his accomplishments: It has now been 3 days since his last brady (and counting) …
Today was a great day! The eye surgeon came in for Sam's first follow up exam and told us that everything looks really good. I think the direct quote was "I would be shocked …
Sam had a pretty good day today. We are bouncing back and forth between the open crib and the heated crib. The good news is he is spending less and less time in the …
A pretty quiet day in the NICU. Sam was a little less alert than yesterday, but that might have to do with the fact that he is back on full feeds. He also was …
Today brought relief... to my freezer space! The Mothers Milk Bank of San Jose cam and picked up approx. 1000 ounces of milk. While this helped, it just put a little dent in the …
Yesterday felt a bit like I may have hit bottom. Of course writing a blog post at 1:30 am is never a good idea! In any event, in the light of day and with …
Sleep deprivation and the stress of the past few days has started to take it's toll. The positive facade I have managed to have for the past 70+ days has tarted to crumble. Little …
I am working on 6 hours of sleep over a 48 hour period... so this will be brief. Sam is continuing to recover from the surgery, but it is taking some time to get …
Just a quick update to let everyone know that Sam had the surgery this evenisng. He tolerated it really well. We will not know how successful it was for a few weeks, but at …
It's 11:50 at night and I am writing from the NICU. never a good sign. At about 6 pm, the doctor called to say there was some concern with Sam. He was very lethargic …
Today was a long day in the NICU. I got there at 10:30 and didn't leave until 9 pm. Part of the time, Peter and I were attending Infant CPR/Discharge class. Didn't really learn …