Day 84: December 9 (Happy 12 week birthday!)

December 10, 2010

Today was a great day!  The eye surgeon came in for Sam's first follow up exam and told us that everything looks really good.  I think the direct quote was "I would be shocked if things took a turn for the worse".  I am translating that to mean, Sam's retina is nicely attached and should stay that way.  No blindness for our little man!  There may be some vision issues, but some vision issues are way better than blindness!!!

Thank you to everyone for your support and concern.  I think we can mark this off the list of things to worry about.

Linda Goldfarb
Woooooo Hooooooo Sam!
Hi Melissa,
I saw Judy yesterday and she clued me in to what was happening with your little man. What a story. I send my best wishes to all of you and will keep thinking positive thoughts for Sam’s continued progress, as well as for you and Peter. Take care.
The Pitts'
Yeehaw! Way to go, Little Man!
Cousin Jen
Wonderful news!!!

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