Days 89 and 90: December 14 (Sam is 38 weeks) and December 15

December 15, 2010

Sorry for the lack of a post yesterday.  Between Irene vomiting and me feeling like crap, I was just not in any shape to write.  Plus, for the first time since Sam was born I went 2 whole days without seeing him!  The good news is he was not alone.  For the first time since Sam was born Yayo held him.  And if that was not enough, Yayo gave him a bottle... twice:

Now, some of you may be wondering why Yayo was at the hospital so much on Tuesday.  To digress from the topic of Sam... my mom was having an angiogram.  After her heart attack in 2004, my mom was told that 40% of her heart was dead and she was not a candidate for bypass surgery.  Since 2004, she has gotten better and better.  A few years back her heat beat was in the low range of normal- something her cardiologist said was impossible.  Then, a few months back an echocardiogram showed that my mothers heart had started to recover and renew.  Again, this was something her cardiologist said was impossible.  He was so shocked by this echo that he ordered it redone, then ordered a nuclear stress test.  With the results from both of those tests, he suggested an andiogram to see if my mom would be a candidate for bypass surgery.  Well, the angiogram was on Tuesday and (drum roll) she is a candidate!  No idea when the surgery will be, but this is a hige positive development.

As for the rest of the clan, we hunkered down in the house, with Irene and Peter upstairs and me downstairs.  Irene's fever finally broke at 6 pm and my illness never progressed past the sore throat phase.

We did decided to keep Irene out of school for one more day just to make sure she was OK.  Turns out to be a good thing, as she threw up in the morning and now has a terrible cough.  I do think the worst is over for her, but this illness has kicked her ASS.

As for me, I felt better and got to finally get my hands on my 5 pound 1.4 ounce boy.  I know it had only been two days, but I swear he looked bigger.  My fears about him not wanting the breast after 2+ days of bottles were silly as the moment I walked in he was ready to eat and latched on so fast it was amazing.  I spent the day with him, and he latched a total of 4 times.

During the day, we had a visit from Judy, who got to enjoy her first Sam cuddle:

In talking with Theresa and Dr. Sandhu, we set a go home date for Sam for Monday December 20.  The only thing that would derail us would be if Sam had a real brady + desaturation. So, for those that have had their fingers and toes crossed, you will need to keep them crossed a little longer.  For those who have not yet crossed them... what are you waiting for?!  The light at the end of the NICU tunnel is getting brighter and brighter!

And now for your moment of zen:

Jennifer Lieberman
This is such a thrilling post, I don’t even know what to say. Everything crossed for Sam and for Missy Irene to be right back on top of the world pronto. XOXO

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