We were having a a nice and quiet family diner at our favorite Italian Restaurant. Things had been light and playful. Irene was mixing her gelato with her spoon, turning it into gelato soup. …
I have taken some time off from writing as my mind has been a jumble if thoughts and emotions. I have been weighed down by the herculean task of wrapping my head around all …
Today was the first day of 2nd grade for Irene. Aside from being an exciting time for us all... it also means we are entering into the "two years ago today" season. That's right, …
Last week, I took a week off from blogging and my life and kidnapped my 6.5 year old and took her on a trip to Disneyland. We had been talking about this trip for …
This past week has been a really inspiring one for me. I have seen a number of people shed their Clark Kent exterior and reveal the Superhero that lives inside of them. Each of …
Before I had my first kid, if you had asked me if I would ever want to be a stay-at-home-mom, I would have laughed at you. Then I had Irene. I did everything I …
Dear God. The screaming. The ear piercing, toe curling, mind melting, soul crushing screaming that is emanating from my little boy these days. These screams often come without warning or reason, and last hours …
My blood came to a boil earlier this week thanks to an email from the lovely folks at BabyCenter.com. This all started innocently enough. I was having one of those preemie mom days. You …
Today is a great day. Nothing really to report with Sam - he is just doing great. What makes today special is a preemie friend of ours is finally going home after 6 months …
A quick look at my own personal Sophie's Choice. The battle in our house over the issue of weaning Sam is hitting a new high (or is that low). For those that have been …
The NICU was an extremely traumatic place for me and my husband. I spent anywhere from 4-8 hours a day sitting next to Sam's isolette listening to a symphony of sounds made up of …
Today was Sam's first OT appointment. As I mentioned yesterday, I was a bit anxious. I even found myself waking up a number of times during the night. Don't get me wrong, I KNOW …
Back in May, I wrote about our 18-month evaluation at the high risk infant follow up clinic. I went into the appointment cocky and confident - sure that the doctor would take one look …
Postpartum Depression. All pregnant woman are warned about PPD. We are told what the warning signs are, and what to do if we feel that PPD is creeping into our lives. For the preemie …
I know I am not supposed to compare my children or assume that what worked for one will work for the other... but here I am, in a position where I let my "It …
This week, the therapy fund contribution is 100% for me. I am now 20+ months into breastfeeding my son. Of course, the first 3 months all pumping until Sam was old enough to latch …
As I mentioned in my second Therapy Fund post, Peter and I broke down and hired a sleep consultant to help us get Sam sleeping better. The plan we worked out was pretty simple: …
In the 20 months since Sam was born, we have been really lucky. Yes, he was just 24-weeks when he was born, spent 95 days in the NICU, had heart surgery and eye surgery... …
I had it easy with my first kid. At 3 months old, Irene slept through the night. Now, she goes to bed early and wakes up at a reasonable time. Sam, on the other …
Since my daughter was born 6.5 years ago I have taken a total of zero trips by myself. I have gone away with my husband, gone away with my mom, but I have not …
Despite my fears that something is going to show up that is horribly wrong with Sam... he has been progressing and developing like a champ. Lately, his biggest area of development is speech. He …
When I gave birth to Sam in 2010, I became a member of the preemie parent community. Those of you readers that have your own preemie know what I am talking about. For those …
Weaning. This is a totally new and foreign concept to me. With Irene, I didn't have to think about weaning at all. Between my low milk supply and Irene's strong will, the decision to …
Today is the first ever Parents of Preemies Day. A day to celebrate the strength it takes to be a parent to a premature baby. It's funny, because as a parent of a preemie, …