Since my daughter was born 6.5 years ago I have taken a total of zero trips by myself. I have gone away with my husband, gone away with my mom, but I have not gone anywhere alone. Now, with Sam in the the picture, I have left my kids a total of three times: I left Sam with his dad for one night when Irene and I went away for a girls night, I left Sam with his dad for two nights when Irene and I went away with friends for a girls weekend, and I have left both kids with my parents for 3 nights when Peter and I went away for a long weekend.
Well, the time has finally come for me to go away - by myself - for a long overdue girls weekend in New York with one of my best buds. To say I am excited is an understatement. I am also really worried. Right now, Sam is having major separation anxiety. He still will not take a bottle from Peter or myself. Sam still wakes up at 2 in the morning screaming as if someone is stabbing him, and the only thing that calms him down is a boob.
My plan had been to use this weekend in New York to let my milk dry up and finally wean Sam from the boob. Now, I am convinced that is a bad idea. Of course, I gave my pump away and all I have is the hand pump, but I will have to make it work. I just hope the milk supply survives the weekend, Sam survives without the boob and just the bottle, and Peter survives Sam's screaming at 2 in the morning.
At least I will be having a fun, loud, raucous, kid-free time!
Just a few images and videos to tide me over:
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