
July 25, 2016
Sam the Anti-Preemie: The Last Music Class

The Last Music Class

Hang in there folks - because the next couple of weeks are going to be wild in the land of Sam. Up first - the end of preschool. Yep, you read that right. Sam will be ending his time at preschool this Friday. Now, before you ask, I am doing my best not to think about it. This preschool has been a godsend for Sam. He has grown so much there - and thrived in ways I wasn't sure was possible.

Sam has made friends. He has learned how to play imaginative games. He has learned sympathy and empathy. Hell - he has learned to read!

Sam the Anti-Preemie: Reading to his Friends

Sam reading to his friends

Sam has defied his prognosis and abilities and just been a kid. Leaving The Cottage Playhouse will be hard - for me, for Sam, for his teachers and for his friends.

And before you ask - no, I still don't know where Sam will be going to Kindergarten (which starts in less than a month!).


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