Day 73: November 28

November 29, 2010

Today felt like a continuation of yesterday.  We are still in the spot I hate- and probably will be for a few days.  Assuming he needs eye surgery, they will move him from nursery 3 back to nursery 2 where he will be for a few days.  Then he will go back to nursery 3 into whatever spot is open.  Grr.  So not only are we going to be here for a bit longer, we will most likely be in a crappy room location!  After 73 days, I would hope that I get some priority.  You know, like frequent fliers get the upgrades first... we should get our choice of spots.

We also have had to face the reality that a release date the week of 12/6 is looking less and less likely.  Sam is still not latching consistently and he is still having at least 1-2 brady's a day.  I am pretty disappointed as I was starting to get pretty excited about him coming home.  All in all a discouraging weekend.  Hopefully tomorrow Laura will be back and can talk me out of my funk.

In the meantime- here is the cutie sleeping on his favorite pillow... as opposed to nursing like he is supposed to!:


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