Day 55: November 10

November 11, 2010

Sam had his first minor setback in weeks today... and it really wasn't much of a setback.  I mentioned yesterday that they had reduced the flow on his cannula from 2 liters to 1 liter.  By this morning, Sam was back on 2 liters.  He just wasn't ready for the change.  Honestly, I am OK with it.  The last thing I want to do is rush him or challenge him and set his progress back.  We will try again in a couple of days- after Sam puts on a bit more weight.

Speaking of which... his current stats are:
Length: 15 inches
Weight: 3 pounds 6.4 ounces

And now a double photo moment of zen:

Scale shot - November 10

Portrait - Novemeber 10


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