Day 42: October 28 (6 weeks old!)

October 29, 2010

Mr. Sam does not fail to impress.  Overnight, Sam had his PICC line removed and by 9 am, it was decided he was doing so well, that they wanted to take him off CPAP and put him on the nose cannulas full time.  As of 8 pm, he was still on the cannulas and doing great.

Sam's main day nurse, Laura, returned from her vacation and was stunned by Sam's growth and improvement.  Being so close to it, I know he is doing well, but I don't think I realized how well until I talked to Laura today.  She had not seen him for 10 days and could not believe this was the same kid she left on October 15.  His size is what really blew her away.

One thing that caught my eye in the NICU today was a chart of standard goals for a baby born at 24 weeks:

What amazes me, is Sam is 1 week ahead of schedule on having the HA discontinued and 2 weeks ahead on having the NCPAP removed.  Such a stud.

So tonight I present you the new Sam portrait for all to get used to... NO MORE CPAP (unless of course he needs it):

The new look of Sam

And now for your moment of zen:

ps. Sam wants to send a huge shout-out to his buddy Bennett on his last night in the NICU.  Bennett is an inspiration to Sam, and he is so looking forward to playdates outside of the NICU soon!

Linda & Steve Goldfarb
He is AMAZING! Such a beautiful face – he will be chased by all the little girls on the playground as Mr. Macho shows off his studliness!
Catherine Hunter
What a stud is right! Look at those blue eyes. You watch, he’ll end up star of the studly water polo team for Cal or something stunning like that – full scholarship cuz he’s so strong, and so good!!!!
LOVED seeing you (and Peter) last Saturday.
Love and strength to all,

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