Day 33: October 19

October 20, 2010

Well- yesterday Sam was a bit constipated and weighed in at 2 lbs 5.2 ozs.  Today, Sam is not as constipated and weighs in at 2 lbs 4.5 ozs.  I guess he had quite a poopy diaper for the night shift.  So glad I didn't have to change that one!

Today was another quite/good day for Sam.  The highlight of the day for me was the fact that I drove myself to the hospital!  I feel so free!  I also got to spend as much time with Sam as I wanted.  I got to leave when i wanted, and I even got to run an errand afterwords without feeling guilty.  Its the little things.

Sam is still doing great.  I think tomorrow we might try to do a cannula sprint while I hold him.  The idea is he has better oxygen saturation when I am holding him, so it is the perfect time to try taking him off CPAP. He is also now back to getting 5 MLs of milk every three hours, and the hope is to just keep increasing his intake every feed.

Sucking on my hand

Caught mid-yawn

And now for my (and your) moment of zen:

Mommy's moment of zen

Linda & Steve Goldfarb
Yes, it sure is the little things – but with your little man, the little thing are HUGE! He looks better and bigger each post!! We are so happy for your family. Linda & Steve
(and of course for Sam’s grandparents!)

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