Day 3: September 19

September 21, 2010

Well last night was a much better night for mom.  My fever finally broke at about 8 pm on the 18th and I made it thought the night without any fever spikes.  Knowing that this was going to be the day I got to hold Sam, I did have a bit of trouble sleeping, but that was because I was excited.  I went to the NICU at noon to delivery more milk and they were just getting ready to take the breathing tube out.  I made arrangements with the nurses to come back at 1 for a date with my son.

As soon as 1 pm rolled around, Peter and I walked (rapidly) to the NICU.  They pulled out a glider rocker sat me down and put my precious little boy on my chest.  Pictures/videos speak a thousand words...

The anticipation

Sam being placed in mom's arms

Best view ever!

This really shows how small he is

If you are wondering, I do not have a freakishly large thumb. He is just that small.

Normally, a preemie can tolerate being held for about 45 min max.  My first session with Sam lasted an hour and 45.  He responded really well to being in my arms- and so did I!  Right after that session I pumped more milk than I ever though possible 3 days after giving birth!

The rest of Day 3 is a blur- so I will leave you with a portrait of Sam:

Day 3 Portrait

Melissa – thank you for sharing this. You are a wonderful storyteller and one hell of a strong mother. You have my admiration and our prayers. Our love to you, Peter, Samuel and Irene. I look forward to bringing you all a meal sometime soon. Meghan
I am so glad you started this blog with updates. I read through everything and watched every video…and can’t imagine what you, Peter, Irene and Samuel are going through. I think I’ve been in shock for days with the news and for the first time just cried. I recently read the following quote, thought of you and wanted to pass it along…
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” — Lao Tzu*
Again, let me know when the time is right for a live hello.
* Lao Tzu – Chinese taoist Philosopher, founder of Taoism, 600 BC-531 BC

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