Well last night was a much better night for mom. My fever finally broke at about 8 pm on the 18th and I made it thought the night without any fever spikes. Knowing that this was going to be the day I got to hold Sam, I did have a bit of trouble sleeping, but that was because I was excited. I went to the NICU at noon to delivery more milk and they were just getting ready to take the breathing tube out. I made arrangements with the nurses to come back at 1 for a date with my son.
As soon as 1 pm rolled around, Peter and I walked (rapidly) to the NICU. They pulled out a glider rocker sat me down and put my precious little boy on my chest. Pictures/videos speak a thousand words...
Normally, a preemie can tolerate being held for about 45 min max. My first session with Sam lasted an hour and 45. He responded really well to being in my arms- and so did I! Right after that session I pumped more milk than I ever though possible 3 days after giving birth!
The rest of Day 3 is a blur- so I will leave you with a portrait of Sam: