Today started off really nicely for all. All three of us slept until 8:30... something unheard of in this house since Irene was born. I guess we were all pretty exhausted. We made it to one of our favorite breakfast spots by 9:45- had a great meal and then head off to Target. A perfectly normal Sunday! Peter and Irene then dropped me off at the hospital to see Sam.
He was tucked away in his new room- back in the correct part of the NICU with nurses I recognized. He was obviously liking the new digs as he looked so good. His numbers were really stable and he was on 21% oxygen... which is basically room air. According to the nurse, he had only had 2 brady's since last night and they were both really mild. Better than that, neither the night nurse nor the morning nurse had heard his heart murmur- which is an indication that the indicin might be working. Now, if that was not enough good news, the nurse also told me that Sam had grown enough to graduate from the XS preemie diaper to the S preemie diaper! And... just because the news was not good enough, they were going to start him back on 2ML of milk. WOO HOO!
I settled in to pump- which was perfectly timed for his first feeding in 3 days. Lucky Sam was going to get the freshest milk possible. Once pumping was over, Sam and I were going to cuddle- making the day perfect. Notice how I used the word "were"? Well, after pumping the shit hit the fan... not with Sam but with me!
(TMI WARNING) I was at the sink bottling the milk when I felt a huge gush of blood and blood clots passing. Now I had just had a little bit of bleeding since the c-section 17 days ago, so this was really startling. When I made it to the bathroom I was able to count 4 golf ball sized blood clots that had passed. I asked one of the NICU nurses and they said I should go down to the Labor and Delivery floor to get checked out. I went down there and was told I needed to go to the ER. One of the OBs on call heard my story and told me in no uncertain terms I had to go directly to the ER. So... off to the ER I went. Luckily the L&D nurses told me to check in with sever post-op bleeding which would get me seen quickly.
After triage, they wheeled me to an ER room. Would you believe it was the SAME ER room where I had miscarried the twins?! That's right. Karma is a bitch and she has it out for me. So, there I was reliving the miscarriage (did I mention Peter was trying to deposit Irene with my parents so I was by myself at the time?) and freaking out that I was going to need a D&C to remove some left over placenta. Peter and my mom got their pretty quickly, and soon after they got me into ultrasound where the tech saw something "concerning". When i got back to my favorite room in the ER, the doc announced I was going to be admitted and they would schedule a D&C to remove what was left in my uterus. Not 15 minutes after that, the ER doc was back to tell me she had been overruled by the OB on call. They were sending me home with medicine to make my uterus contract to get out whatever blood and clots might be remaining. Apparently this can happen after a c-section and is common. Of course, if the bleeding gets worse, I spike a fever, or have other issues I have to go back to the ER- but at least for now, I am home.
At least Peter was able to take this beautiful picture of Sam for me (aka your moment of Zen):
God only knows what excitement tomorrow will bring!