Thanks to everyone that reached out with words of support after yesterdays post. All those positive emails and texts really helped to lift my spirits. I know yesterday was my first down day and am happy to say today was much different.
The first thing in did when I woke up was to call the NICU to see how Sam was doing. I am happy to report he had a great night and was having a good morning. He only had 5 bradys all night and most of them were self correcting. He also spent the night on just 23% oxygen- which is terrific considering the size of his PDA.
They were still holding off on the indicin while they worked to get his BUN and creatine down. As of 8pm, they were still waiting. I should hear the results tomorrow, but they did an ultasound on his kidneys today just to make sure they were functioning correctly. Theresa, the nurse practitioner, is confident that his kidneys are fine- they are just functioning like a preemies' kidneys. She also was so pleased with how stable Sam was today that she didn't feel the same sense of urgency to get the indicin started. They will probably start it tomorrow- assuming his kidneys are behaving better.
I also had a better day with Sam. We had a nice stable cuddle today that lasted an hour. He behaved himself this time, so I didn't leave needing a stiff drink! Here is hoping tomorrow will bring more of the same.
Now, I know I owe a picture from yesterday, and I owe one forom today too. Due to the heat, we are staying at parents (gotta love air conditioning!) and I don't have my laptop with me, just the iPad. Apparently WordPress and the iPad don't like each other all that much... So pictures will have to wait till tomorrow.
Moment of zen (times 2):
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