Wow. I mean W.O.W. We are one month into Sam's ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Therapy and what a month it has been. We are truly blessed to have selected the ABA company we did …
As Sam and I start down the road of Autism Spectrum Therapy, we are getting to know a bunch of different therapists and therapy types. We have been very lucky so far with who …
Honestly. I am not sure I even know where to start - or where this post will end up. My mind is a jumble with all of the evaluations and recommendations and changes that …
It could have been so much worse. I was sure that our appointment on Wednesday at the High Risk Follow-Up clinic was going to go so differently than it went. With all of the …
Ignorance is bliss. I made it through my six days in trendelenberg and pre-term labor by not knowing the real danger both Sam and I were in. I knew it was bad, but I …
I had planned to write a moving and deep post about world prematurity day. Since my friend, Nicole... Kenna's mom took care of that with her beautifully written post. Instead, I will take another …
It has been a while since I wrote a down post... but the time has finally come. The past few weeks I have noticed a few things in Sam that I find concerning. Then, …
... and a dress and (gasp) a little make up! That's right, I went out. No. Peter and I didn't magically find a way to go on a mid-week date. Instead, I had a …
Let me start by screaming this from my little soap box... I DID IT! Sam is officially weaned. Yes, after hemming and hawing over this since March of this year, I finally did it. …
Last Friday, I got Sam up from bed and brought him in to our bedroom to nurse. Totally normal start to the day for us. Except this time, it wasn't normal. This was the …
Since Sam's second birthday, things have been a whirlwind around here. Sam got really sick and had to begin a course of steroids and albuterol. Then, my brother, who currently lives in Peru, arrived …
Sometimes it's hard to be the mom. It can be even harder when you are an uber-organized, planning four steps ahead, take charge kind of mom. It becomes so easy to be the one …
How fitting that this post has the dubious honor of being lucky number 13. Cold, Flu and RSV season has officially begun. Last year, RSV landed us in Children's Hospital for 5 days. Protecting …
I did it! I managed to make it through Sam's second birthday without too much of an emotional break down. Maybe it was all the worry that I would break down, or maybe it …
Sam's 2nd birthday is half-way over, and so far, I have managed to avoid tears. It helps that Sam has just been so damn cute this morning. The day got off to a great …
We were having a a nice and quiet family diner at our favorite Italian Restaurant. Things had been light and playful. Irene was mixing her gelato with her spoon, turning it into gelato soup. …
I have taken some time off from writing as my mind has been a jumble if thoughts and emotions. I have been weighed down by the herculean task of wrapping my head around all …
Today was the first day of 2nd grade for Irene. Aside from being an exciting time for us all... it also means we are entering into the "two years ago today" season. That's right, …
My (almost) 7 Year Old Broke Me! That's right. My daughter made me cry. After months and months of her mouth, I finally reached a point where I could not take any more. It's …
Last week, I took a week off from blogging and my life and kidnapped my 6.5 year old and took her on a trip to Disneyland. We had been talking about this trip for …
This week is Breastfeeding Awareness Week, and without wading into any of the political mine fields, I wanted to share my two very different experiences with breastfeeding. Before I begin, let me start by …
This past week has been a really inspiring one for me. I have seen a number of people shed their Clark Kent exterior and reveal the Superhero that lives inside of them. Each of …
My six-and-a-half year old has a possible terminal case of diarrhea of the mouth. The past few weeks have been rough around our house. It seems no matter what I do, it set’s Irene …
Before I had my first kid, if you had asked me if I would ever want to be a stay-at-home-mom, I would have laughed at you. Then I had Irene. I did everything I …