Latest in: Four to Five years
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June 26, 2015
Last night, in a discussion with a friend, I was told I needed to stop treating Sam like he is different.  Now, I can't stop thinking about this. Sam has been different since the …
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May 26, 2015
When Sam graduated from the NICU, we were lucky. Aside from our pediatrician, Sam only had one specialist, a retinoligist That didn't last long. Pretty soon we added in the developmental playgroup (which came …
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March 22, 2015
This morning was magical. No seriously. Magical. I was in the kitchen getting breakfast made when I first hear it. It was faint and in the distance. Then it got louder. Giggling. Lots of …
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February 11, 2015
Potty training is something many parents fear. Hundreds, if not thousands, of books are dedicated to helping ease the transition from diaper to potty. There are even "How To" videos on the subject. There …
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November 19, 2014
The idea was simple enough. Well, as simple as a hospitalization and surgical procedure on a 4 year old could be. But this is Sam. And he has never - ever - done anything …
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